Week 12 --- First Transfer Finished

Well squad I have officially finished my first transfer in the field, and it's been wild. 

So to start, I'm gonna talk about the baptism we had this  past Saturday. It was awesome. This kid is the coolest. I'm so grateful I had the opportunity to baptize him. Oh! Also yesterday we had an investigator attend church, and this guy is seriously the coolest. He has already accepted a baptismal date! I can't wait, I honestly see a future Elder in this kid he is 19 and he is a stud. All the members went absolutely crazy about how smart he was, oh my goodness, I'm just so frickin excited to teach him. He has some serious potential. 

So we just found out transfers yesterday, and I'm pretty sure I talked about an Elder in my district last week, Elder Santos, well he's leaving, not gonna lie I'm a little sad. Also one of our Zone leaders is leaving, because he has a knee injury, so they're sending him to an area without bikes, to help his knee, and he was a swell guy not gonna lie, super funny. So I ate cow tongue the other day, not gonna lie it was weird. I'm not sure how I feel about it. 

So we were eating lunch at a members house yesterday, and we got to talking and all that jazz, and apparently they think that my Spanish has improved a lot since arriving. So that is good to know, because I still feel at times that I butcher everything I say, but I just think back to something my mission president said to me once, learning something new, and trying to track your progress, is like watching a tree grow, if you look at that tree everyday, you won't really notice a big difference, and it's the same with my Spanish, if everyday I think about my progression in Spanish I won't notice a big difference, but like with the tree, if I wait for a few weeks and look at it, I will notice the difference, like honestly I think back to when I first got here, and I was a lot worse than I am now, which honestly is hard to believe. 

Here's the good thing — I think I'm finally adjusted to the mission life, because the other day, I had some Oreos, and after I finished them, I got sad, and I missed them more than my family. So I guess I'm not as worried about home now, and I can focus all my efforts on the work!  Well squad thanks for all your support, quick shout out to a few people, the Courtright/Baugh fam, Jana, Dana, and Em, for supporting me, writing me, and giving my brother a job (and a place to stay), also Brandee, and my Jayden, but most importantly my mom, because she is the GOAT (greatest of all time).  You all have made the transition to the mission life so much easier, so thank you!!! Well I'm peacing out! Love you all! Stay sweet!

Elder Keaton Jorgensen
Argentina Mendoza Mission

Description of Photos:
1 baptism
2 baptism
3 nature and hiking
4 big white head . . . well it's just dope
5 nature and hiking
6 - ripped pants (my companion's fault) --- we were riding our bikes and my comp stopped suddenly right in front of me causing me to brake and swerve . . . I fell and ripped my pants  
7 - me and Elder Santos