Week 76 - Finally . . .

SQUAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Soooooooooooooo it´s a great day, and I wanna start out telling y’all about the giant turtle we met last Monday, his name is Jorge, I´ll send a pic of him in this email don´t you worry. So another week down, 26 to go.  Squad I´m gonna be honest, this last month has been rough, we hadn´t had any investigators at church in 4 straight weeks, and I was suuuuper discouraged. We had tried everything, we called...  A LOT... and we went to their houses Sunday morning, and that didn´t work either. So yesterday we were sitting in Sacrament  Meeting pretty sad because none of our investigators showed up, but then the family that we went to look for in the morning that didn´t answer the door, they all showed up, and shortly after another family showed up. We were pretty stoked, I have no doubt that we were blessed for our hard work, and diligence. I was very grateful for the help from my Father in Heaven. Now, because we had some people come to church, it looks like the 27th of this month we´ll have a baptism. 

Also we went on exchanges again, it was dope, we made another asado, and we finished right before it started pouring rain. Then the next day we were all gonna go to my area, but I went with Elder Thompson to give a health blessing to a guy in his ward before we left, and we get there, and we asked if we could do the blessing now. They said yeah go for it, I asked where is he, he's in the hospital, so we said well we need him here if we are to give him a blessing.  So they asked can we do it over the phone, obviously the answer is no to that question.  So we went on an adventure, and travelled for like an hour to find the clinic where he was at to give him the blessing. 

Then today before coming to write, we went paintballing, it was sooooo dope. They geared us up in camo and everything it was sick.

To end I'd like to share a simple scripture D&C 18:17:

17 Behold, you have my gospel before you, and my rock, and my salvation.

How blessed are we to have His gospel, and to have His salvation. I say pretty darn blessed, so take advantage of it. 
That´s all I got for this week, bye!!!!

Elder Keaton Jorgensen
Argentina Mendoza Mission