Week 72 --- Transfers . . .

SQUAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I have finished another transfer, 5 left. Soooooo I´m staying here as District leader to finish training my companion. I´m pretty darn happy about that.

So this week started off badddddddddddddddddd, until Thursday we didn´t have any news, and we hadn´t taught like any lessons. Then we did exchanges, the four of us in my area, and me and Elder Thompson went to work, and the struggles continued, 2 hours walking in the heat, and nothing, so we sat down to think of something to do, but instead we just prayed. After the prayer the first place we went to we found 5 new people to teach, and one of them said he considered himself Mormon because he used to go to church alllllll the time, but never was baptized. We ended the day with 12 new investigators. It was sick.

Also we had a sick asado (Argentina BBQ) because Elder Botehlo finished a year in the mission, so that was fun. Sorry for such a short email, I´ll do better next time BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Elder Keaton Jorgensen
Argentina Mendoza Mission