So not gonna lie it has been a little difficult adjusting to life here. My first area ended up being a biking area, and my rear end is in a lot of pain.
Anyways my trainer's name is Elder Morgan, and he's from St. Louis Missouri, he's pretty swell, he's been out for a little more than a year. It's kinda weird having 2 gringos as companions, but it's a good time. Yeah so there was a lot of traveling to get here, and I wasn't a fan, the worst part was I only got to talk to my mom at the airport for like 15 minutes, it was awful, because some dude swooped my phone when I looked away, and he was on the phone forever!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyways Spanish is hard, but I did successfully invite my first investigator to baptism in the field, and he said yes so that was pretty swell.
They have froot loops here and it is lit. I was worried I wasn't gonna have cereal, but now I'm okay. Not gonna lie I don't have a whole lot to tell you this time around, because as of right now I can't understand what's happening, but hopefully eventually I will be able to.
Anyways life is good!
I love you all con todo mi corazón!