Week 2

#Group #10daysin

Well squad, it's been 10 days since I arrived at the MTC, and let me tell you it was pretty crazy trying to adjust. My district is so bomb, I'm not gonna lie, it is a fine group of gents. My companion is Elder Udall, he's from Arizona, and he is a swell dude. It is crazy how much I've changed since I got here, in only 10 days! I never really had a problem reading my scriptures, but now I find myself getting lost in them, in the last 4 days I got through 1st and 2nd Nephi, and for those who know me pretty well, that's impressive, because I am not a big reader. It's so amazing how well the gospel can bring people together, I already feel like the Elders in my district are my closest friends. I'm gonna be honest I'm doing pretty well with Spanish, I promise you all I will be fluent in a week, but we also had to teach "investigators" in Spanish which was kinda difficult if I'm being honest. Anyways so far all is well, and I'm so grateful to be here preparing to serve our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Love you all, Elder Jorgensen